You Won’t Win This War
A poem
Every day I wake up, I try to be better than before
I fight to forget you, but you’re hard to ignore.
Sometimes I get so fed up, I don’t know what to do
with the stress of life, some days I really miss you…
Another sleepless night, I’m tired of it all
might go back if another thing goes wrong
back to that magical life that we once shared
when I felt no pain, honestly I didn’t care.
It was perfect for quite awhile,
I wore an unbreakable smile.
You made me feel like I could conquer the world
but when we fell, you left a lost and lonely girl.
All of your lies, mixed with my deceit
it took so long for me to break free
I can’t go back now, I’ve come too far
I will not let you win this war.
I’ll admit, many days I still miss you
but you’re not worth all I’ve been through,
the nights I cried myself to sleep
the time it took to get on my feet
the hearts I broke, the trouble I caused
I won’t go back to the monster I was.