Invisible Illnesses

A rhymed Sestina

Ashley Lorraine Bridges
2 min readJan 23, 2022
(Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash)

If only they could look inside my mind-

maybe they’d see how much effort it takes,

to force a smile big enough to hide

the weight of these pains I carry each day.

I won’t let them close for I fear they’ll find

the fraudulent bliss I wear on my face.

They tell him fear is something he must face

those images will one day leave his mind,

still he’s haunted, stuck reliving that day,

He cannot escape that trauma he hides.

Sleepless nights, hours of rest terror takes

what if peace is something he’ll never find?

Barely bones, she dreads the number she finds-

two pounds gained and the tears pour down her face.

society’s standards control her mind

She starves so that she’ll be pretty some day.

But her sickness is getting hard to hide,

not sure how much more her body can take.

Enveloped in darkness, all joy it takes-

her heart beats without purpose she finds;

a list of regrets that she cannot face

will forever reside within her mind.

Can she suffer another lonely day

or will she act on these thoughts she hides?

Suffocating under the secrets he hides,

his guilt depends on the number he takes;

slowly killing himself but doesn’t mind-

he can’t even recognize his own face.

Washing his pain down with what he can find,

He begs God please make this his last day.

I wake and wonder who I’ll be today-

will my mania be easy to hide?

And do I have the energy it takes

to get myself out of troubles I find?

Creating issues I refuse to face,

forever I’m imprisoned to my own mind.

Take a glimpse inside our minds, walk with us just one day;

See what strength it takes to fight the battles we hide-

you may be shocked when you find illness doesn’t always have a face.



Ashley Lorraine Bridges
Ashley Lorraine Bridges

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