A poem
(Photo by Sandra Frey on Unsplash)
I’ve lost myself in a kingdom
in the fabric of a fairytale,
you ride in, a knight in armor.
Realizing I require no rescuing,
just a simple subject in search of direction
you choose not to tell me how to get happily ever after
and instead dismount your horse and walk with me.
You guide me gently, rather than handing over your map
taking time from your assiduous conquest
to help me with mine.
Your fortitude is truly exquisite.
I admire that you don’t acknowledge me
like I’m a delicate damsel in distress-
in your eyes I am instead
a lone lost outlander
trying to find my way home.
In that moment I discover-
I don’t need to be saved,
I can do that on my own.
My only desire is to commit myself
to someone willing to walk beside me
on this journey called life.
To you I’m not this broken little girl,
I’m not sure you even believe in broken people.
My, how you’ve opened my eyes,
and freed me from my ordinary odyssey,
introducing me to an unfamiliar world
in which I am not the victim.
You reveal things to me I’ve never known
as you show me that I don’t have to bow down-
I too can slay dragons with grace like you
if I only pick up the sword
and learn to do so.